Saturday, August 23, 2008


Anyone else overdosed on Joe Biden coverage yet? I hit the wall on that subject well before noon. Now I'm looking forward to the Dem convention next week, and the continuation of the campaign. Not because I'm hanging on Obama's every word, but, like Peter Wehner over at The Corner, I think it's gonna be entertaining. I was concerned that O would pick Clinton, or maybe Sebelius, but with Biden he's eviscerated his "change" mantra and blown away the "we're the young ones" argument. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes the McCain camp less than a week to get Biden spun up about a topic (just about any topic will do) and for him to shoot his mouth off so badly it makes O wish he'd picked Clinton. Buyer's remorse? I think the Dems are in for a bad case of it. Heh.

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Fay? Where?

Maybe the worst is yet to come, but here in South Okaloosa just off Mary Esther Fay's been a slightly blustery winter day, just warmer. The rain hasn't been more than a drizzle most of the time (and Weather Channel radar showed most of the heavy stuff disippating before it got close), and the wind hasn't been any stronger than a good thunderstorm. Around nine the wind was out of the west, maybe a little southwest, and it carried the scent of seawater (we're about 8000 feet in from the sound, and another 3800 or so to the gulf - not beachfront, but not really "inland").

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Fay Fay, later today

OK, so sometime starting tonight the weather here is supposed to go downhill. It's been a nice mid/late summer day so far. I haven't heard too many folks expressing concern about Fay's approach, except for the expectation of a rained-out weekend. Folks in the north end of the county might have some issues with flooding, especially if the rainfall is anything like that around the Space Coast. 1998's Georges, if I recall correctly, almost turned Crestview into an island city.

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